Official Press Statement Maindy Flyers Cycling Club
Maindy Flyers Cycling Club welcome the removal of the immediate threat to their home at Maindy Track, following the recent announcement from Cardiff Council that a new velodrome planned for the International Sports Village in Cardiff Bay has now been scrapped.
Maindy Flyers are celebrating their 30th birthday this year and over this time they have been the starting point for many of Britain’s best cyclists on their journeys to win National and International titles, World Championships, Commonwealth and Olympic medals. The alumni both include Geraint Thomas, Tour de France winner and double Olympic Gold Medallist and Elinor Barker, Olympic Gold medallist and the most decorated Welsh female Olympian ever.
Maindy track is a cycling facility steeped in history and provides a versatile facility for many cyclists of all ages to train, race and develop on both fixed wheel and free wheel bikes. It is also a hub for cyclists to meet and go on to explore the many beautiful cycling routes in South Wales on two wheels.
The club remains concerned that no long-term assurances have been made for the future of the Maindy Track. The Council have not withdrawn the “Land Swap” request with the Charity Commission. They are on record saying the use of Maindy Park remains as option B if the solution to provide a new school on the Companies House site should not be successful.
Additionally, in the business case the Council proposed for the new velodrome, they identified the need for maintenance to the Maindy Track. However, there is no commitment to now carry out these repairs. Although we do note Councillor Thomas, Cardiff council leader, stating the council would “potentially do what we can to improve Maindy Track”.
As a youth cycling club, we would very much welcome the opportunity to help in this process.
Prior to the recent announcements and press statements neither the council or our own governing body engaged with us about these developments. The club remains committed to help any organisation that wishes to consult with us on the future needs of young cyclists.
We welcome the opportunity to share our experience as the largest and most successful youth cycling club in Britain. With well over 75 years of combined coaching experience and expertise, we are ready to both help continue to shape the future of cycling in the area to sustainably protect and develop Maindy Track as a facility and to assist in the exciting opportunity of a new closed loop circuit, in order to continue to produce future champions within the sport for another 30 years.